
Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Place de St Job, 20 1180 Uccle - Brussels Tuesday 20:30/22:30 Thurday 20:30/22:00 Sunday 10:00/12:00 Tel. +32(0)486460434

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  Yamaoka Tesshu

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NANA-KOROBI YA-OKI (七転び八起き – seven falls, eight getting up)

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ABKF Iaido Examination 2010

Congratulations to Brussels Yaegaki-Kai members for their grading success during the ABKF Winter Nakakura seminar. Congratulation to Leopold V. for his 2nd dan and Eric T. for his 1st dan. Congratulations also to Michael P. – Athens Furyu dojo for his 4th dan and Luc H. – Kendo Gent for his 5th dan.
Omedeto gozaimasu !!!