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ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 2013

The “Summer Seminar” is over …
More than one hundred participants, great teachings, great friendship, fun party and successful examinations… it was wonderful!
Congratulations to Brussels Yaegaki-Kai members Luc R. and Fred J. for their Shodan and all the other passing their examination!
Thank you to the Sensei – Oda Sensei, Katsumata sensei, Furuichi sensei and Tsuchiya sensei – and staff members for all their hard work.

What’s left to say ? well : can’t wait for next year!

Oda Katsuo Sensei - Brussels Yaegaki-kai Iaido seminar 2013 Oda Katsuo Sensei - 2013 Eishin Ryu Iaido ABKF Iaido summer seminar 2013