
Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Place de St Job, 20 1180 Uccle - Brussels Tuesday 20:30/22:30 Thurday 20:30/22:00 Sunday 10:00/12:00 Tel. +32(0)486460434

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BYK Shinnenkai – 新年会 2018

ShinnenkaiA shinnenkai (新年会, literally “new year gathering”) is the Japanese tradition of welcoming the arrival of the New Year. This year the Yaegaki kai gathered at the izakaya to welcome the 2018 year, hoping it will be full of hard renshu and fun daini dojo. It was a good time to relax and celebrate with Japanese food and nice drinks (Beer/Shōchū 焼酎/Nihonshu 日本酒). Yeahhh …