
Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Place de St Job, 20 1180 Uccle - Brussels Tuesday 20:30/22:30 Thurday 20:30/22:00 Sunday 10:00/12:00 Tel. +32(0)486460434

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KEIZOKU WA CHIKARA NARI (La capacité vient en persévérant)

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BIC 2011

The Belgian Iaido Championship 2011 took place this Sunday 17/05/11 in Affligem with motivated competitors with very good level resulting into sometimes difficult decisions but thrilling finals from Mudan to Yondan. A grading session from ikkyu to sandan followed the finals, finishing the day with a 5th/6th/7th dan Embu and the Awards ceremony. Congratulations to all the participants and organising staff.

During the championships the Brussels Yaegaki-kai did very well with a Yondan Gold medal for Yuki, a Gold medal for Gregory in mudan, a Bronze medal for Eric in shodan and the participation of Patrick in the Nidan division. Our friends from Kendo Gent did also very well with the good results of Steven silver in mudan, Valentin gold in shodan and Stof gold in nidan division.

Follow the Read more for the results …

1. Van Gilsen Gregory (BYK)
2. Cool Steven
3. Cockaerts Floris
3. Croes Kim
FS. D’Haeseleer Wim

1. Vervack Valentin
2. Rowan Van der Biest
3. Thielemans Eric (BYK)
3. Renesson Fabrice
FS. Coppens Ine

1. De Roover Christof
2. Maarten Arnou
3. De Broyer Sebastien
3. Flament Chantal
FS. De Boom Tom

1. Vandenbussche Jonathan
2. Beausire Michael
3. Vlad Liviu
3. Horemans Armand
FS. Ruland Jean-Luc

1. Kanto Yuki (BYK)
2. Herman Albert
3. Snyers Stephane
FS.Snyers Stephane