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Tag: BIC

Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Dan Gradings

Congratulations to Brussels Yaegaki-Kai members who successfully passed their Dan gradings. Congratulations to Nicolas M. who passed his 2nd Dan and Benjamin V. who passed his 1st Dan at the Belgium Iaido Championship organized in Affligem the 21/05/2017. Let’s continue to train hard. Gambarimasho !!!

Belgian Iaido Championships 2017 – BIC 2017

This year, the 20th ABKF Iaido Championships took place on May 21th in Affligem. It was a wonderful day with great shiai. Congratulations to all the participants and medal winners. See you all next year for the 21th edition of the Belgian Iaido Championships 🙂 BYK Medals: SHODAN Gold -> NICOLAS M., MUDAN Argent -> […]

BIC 2015

The 18th Belgian Iaido Championships 2015 took place this Sunday 10/05/15 in Sint-Niklaas. Belgian Iaido level is increasing every year and we were rewarded with thrilling matches and finals. Congratulations to all the participants and organizing Dojo: Tamiza Kendo Kai The Brussels Yaegaki-kai did very well this year as well as our Eishin-Kai brothers from […]

BIC 2014

The 17th Belgium Iaido Championships 2014 took place this Sunday 18/05/14 in Havré (Mons). Belgian Iaido level is increasing every year and we were rewarded with good matches and thrilling finals. Congratulations to all the participants and organizing Dojos: Butokukan & BYK The Brussels Yaegaki-kai did well this year with a Godan Gold medal for […]

BIC 2013

The Belgium Iaido Championships 2013 took place this Sunday 12/05/13 in Ninove. Belgian Iaido level is increasing every year and we were rewarded with good matches and thrilling finals. Finals were shortly followed by 5th dan embu taikai and examinations. Congratulations to all the participants and organization staff … The Brussels Yaegaki-kai did well this […]

BIC 2011

The Belgian Iaido Championship 2011 took place this Sunday 17/05/11 in Affligem with motivated competitors with very good level resulting into sometimes difficult decisions but thrilling finals from Mudan to Yondan. A grading session from ikkyu to sandan followed the finals, finishing the day with a 5th/6th/7th dan Embu and the Awards ceremony. Congratulations to […]

BIC 2010

The Belgian Iaido Championship 2010 took place this Sunday 16/05/10 10:00->17:30 at the Palais du Midi in Brussels. As Shinsain this year I was very happy with the Belgian Iaido level with good matches and thrilling finals from Mudan to Yondan. Finals competitor’s level was very close and decisions were hard to make. Finals were […]