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  Yamaoka Tesshu

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NANA-KOROBI YA-OKI (七転び八起き – seven falls, eight getting up)

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Tag: Heijoshin

Iaido is see and cut an invisible opponent

Here is a rough chapter translation of the book titled “Iaido shinsain no me” we introduced some post ago. It is now time to publish this chapters that is is a part of the Ueno Satanori – 8th dan Hanshi Iaido – section. The chapter we choose is the third chapter “Iaido is see and […]

Heijoshin 平常心

In Budo, maybe more specifically in sword/katana related arts, there is an important term/concept which is Heijoshin. Heijoshin is a three kanji word, the first one “Hei” means calm, peaceful, steady. The second one “jo” means always, constant. The third one “Shin” means mind or hearth, the whole inner essence of the individual. So a […]