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NANA-KOROBI YA-OKI (七転び八起き – seven falls, eight getting up)

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Tag: kawaguchi

The wazamae is not embu 演舞 but embu 演武

With that kind of title, I hope you are all curious now … Japanese language is sometimes strange, especially when it comes to words having the same pronunciation but different meanings. Wazamae which could be translated by technique (ability/skill) in a martial art context is not embu 演舞 with 演 for (em) demonstration/performance and 舞 […]

ABKF Winter Seminar 2011

This year the ABKF Winter seminar took place at the ADEPS in Auderghem between the 14th and 18th december. For some years now the Iaido teachers present in december are Kobayashi Tadao sensei – 8th dan Iaido Hanshi and Uehara Koichi – 7th dan Iaido Kyoshi. For those not familiar with Kobayashi sensei’s background, he […]